Hitachi's TREsa ARS system stands out as a critical component in the evolution of rail infrastructure, supporting the growing complexity and demands of modern rail networks.
Designed to meet the Network Rail ARS+ standard NR-L2-SIG-19820-H01, TREsa is developed to SIL2 standards, offering significant advantages for signallers, particularly in managing disruptions.
TREsa achieved full product acceptance in 2015 and has since been widely installed in numerous signalling and rail operating centres.
It’s claimed that the UK railway is amongst the safest in Europe but with near misses continuing to happen, a good safety rating isn't good enough. Maintenance workers operating in the trackside environment often conduct activities that require concentration and focus. Being confident that the right protection is in place before and during their work is paramount for trackworker safety.
Despite a well-defined Safe System of Work (SSoW) process where activities are planned, and safety briefings are given before any trackside work starts, too often trackside workers report near misses due to reduced situational awareness.
Our solution to poor trackside safety is Trackside Guardian (TSG).
With no trackside hardware to install, Trackside Guardian is simple to deploy and is compatible with any signalling system while also complementing all existing operational procedures.
How it works:
TSG monitors signalling states in conjunction with requested lockout areas to ensure that all the necessary restrictions have been applied before a Signaller grants a Line Block, thereby providing assurance to the trackworker that sufficient protection is in place for improved trackside safety.
To combat the hazard of reduced situational awareness, TSG also sends both the Signaller and the Controller of Site Safety (CoSS) an alert informing them of approaching trains on any lines adjacent to their worksite. This improves rail safety as situational awareness is assured.
To further railway safety, the system prevents trains being inadvertently routed into line blockages. It ensures that the necessary protection remains in place by monitoring and filtering out unsafe commands between the signalling control system and the interlocking.